C1. Immigrants – Refugees – Minorities
The participants of this activity will be two trainers per participating organization – the relevant organizations will select their participants following their own selection procedure; most of the participating organizations are experienced and participation of the most suited personnel is guarranteed. The goals of this activity is to discuss the topic of teaching to groups who belong to a minority; Immigrants, refugees and minorities will be discussed.
C2. Older-age Learners
The participants of this activity will be two trainers per participating organization – the relevant organizations will select their participants following their own selection procedure; most of the participating organizations are experienced and participation of the most suited personnel is guarranteed. The goals of this activity is to discuss the topic of teaching to groups who have been marginalized due to age and the gap between generations.
C3. NEET – Unemployed
The participants of this activity will be two trainers per participating organization – the relevant organizations will select their participants following their own selection procedure; the participating organizations are experienced and participation of the most suited personnel guarranteed. The goals of this activity is to discuss the topic of teaching to groups who have been marginalized due to mainly economic reasons; this includes but is not limited to unemployed persons as well as NEET.